What is Coconut Sugar Cubes?

Coconut sugar is a natural sweetener that has a low glycemic index, making it the choice for most consumers. Coconut sugar users use it as a sweetener for their food and drinks to start a healthier lifestyle. Many coconut sugar users have difficulty using coconut sugar wherever they are because pure coconut sugar is usually in the form of granules or large-sized molded coconut sugar. However, now there is a solution made by coconut sugar producers, namely by making coconut sugar cubes.

Coconut sugar cubes are actually coconut sugar that is molded into cubes with mini sizes so that they are easy to use. The basic ingredient is coconut sap, which is a sweet liquid taken from coconut flowers. This coconut sap is then cooked until it thickens and formed into small cubes.

coconut sugar cubes

Manufacturing Process

  • Taking Sap: Coconut sap is taken from coconut flowers by traditional farmers, only the freshest and best coconut sap is used.
  • Heating: The sap is heated until it thickens and changes color to golden brown to dark brown.
  • Molding: The thick liquid in the form of coconut nectar sugar is poured into cube-shaped molds.
  • Cooling: After cooling, the coconut sugar is ready to be released from the mold and packaged.

Benefits of Coconut Sugar Cubes

Low Glycemic Index: Compared to granulated sugar, coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index, so it does not cause drastic spikes in blood sugar. This makes it suitable for diabetics or those who want to maintain blood sugar levels.

  • Rich in Nutrition: Coconut sugar contains various minerals such as potassium, iron, and zinc which are good for body health.
  • Natural Sweetness: Coconut sugar has a distinctive natural sweetness that is more complex than other sugars.
  • Source of Energy: Coconut sugar can provide longer-lasting energy than granulated sugar.
  • Environmentally Friendly: The coconut sugar production process is generally more environmentally friendly than granulated sugar.

Using Coconut Sugar Cubes

Coconut sugar cubes can be used as a substitute for granulated sugar for various dishes and drinks, such as:

  • Coffee and Tea: Provides a natural sweet taste and caramel aroma. Easy to use, just take 2-3 grains of sugar cubes as a sweetener for 1 cup of tea or coffee
  • Baking: Used to make cakes, bread, and muffins.
  • Cooking: As a natural sweetener for various types of dishes, such as stir-fries or sauces. The method of use is similar to block broth.


Coconut sugar cubes are a healthier and more natural alternative to granulated sugar. In addition to its delicious taste, coconut sugar also has various health benefits. Practical use and can be carried anywhere are the added values ​​of this coconut sugar cube. Especially for those of you who have high mobility, you will certainly be helped by a special sweetener that you can carry anywhere and consume anywhere. By choosing coconut sugar cubes, you not only get a natural sweet taste, but also contribute to a healthier lifestyle.