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Instant Coconut Sugar Cubes

Coconut sugar is a natural sweetener made from coconut flower sap. This natural sweetener is usually formed into Javanese sugar by being molded in natural molds from coconut shells or bamboo stems. However, currently coconut sugar producers have made an invasion by making instant coconut sugar molds. Instant coconut sugar in the form of squares or cubes is one form of processed coconut sugar that is increasingly popular. Its unique and practical shape makes it easy to use and store. […]

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What is Coconut Sugar Cubes?

Coconut sugar is a natural sweetener that has a low glycemic index, making it the choice for most consumers. Coconut sugar users use it as a sweetener for their food and drinks to start a healthier lifestyle. Many coconut sugar users have difficulty using coconut sugar wherever they are because pure coconut sugar is usually in the form of granules or large-sized molded coconut sugar. However, now there is a solution made by coconut sugar producers, namely by making coconut […]

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Types of cube sugar

In the modern era, there are more and more forms and models of sugar according to its needs as a sweetener for food and drinks. Currently, there are various forms of sugar such as granulated sugar, molded sugar, liquid sugar, to sugar concentrate. In this article, we will discuss cube-shaped molded sugar which is currently trending. This cube sugar has an aesthetic shape in the form of a symmetrical cube with a mini size, with a grammage between 5 – […]

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Forms of coconut sugar products

Coconut sugar is a natural sugar that comes from natural coconut sap which is then processed into various forms of sugar. This brown sugar has various forms and types, not only in liquid but coconut sugar also has solid and powder. This coconut sugar is usually made by manufacturers depending on the processing process and the purpose of its use. In addition, the form of coconut sugar is increasingly being developed with innovations that increase the selling value of the […]

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