CV. Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa is a producer and exporter of organic coconut sugar in Semarang, Indonesia. BASFOOD chose Semarang City as the location for the organic coconut sugar marketing office because this city is in the middle of Java island, as Indonesia’s economic center. Semarang City is the capital of Central Java Province, which is the center of government for Central Java Province. So that all administrative needs related to licensing documents, export documents, etc. will be processed more easily and quickly.
Another factor is the location of the organic coconut sugar marketing office is easier to reach by the coconut sugar delivery fleet from the organic coconut sugar factory CV. Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa in Kulon Progo. Because only Semarang City has the closest export port to the organic coconut sugar factory in Kulon Progo.
The location of Semarang City is easy to reach from various big cities in Indonesia, besides that, there are many public facilities available. Semarang also has complete transportation facilities such as airports, ports, and toll roads to go to various regions. The availability of the Ahmad Yani International Airport in Semarang ( IDSRG ) hastened BASFOOD to send samples to potential buyers of coconut sugar and other coconut derivative products. On the other hand, the Port of Tanjung Emas Semarang (IDTES) is an export port that is one of the major ports on the island of Java.
We also received visits from potential coconut sugar buyers who came to the BASFOOD Office for discussions and cooperation. There are many nice and comfortable places to hold meetings and discussions such as hotels, restaurants, and resorts in the city of Semarang. (During the COVID-19 pandemic we only held online meetings). The following is information about the Marketing Office of Organic Coconut Sugar – CV. Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa:
- +62 8213 4505 737
- +62818 0598 7695
- info@bonafideanugerahsentosa.com
- mr. Bernard Santoso