+62 8213 4505 737​ OFFICE: Jl. Sisingamangaraja VII/15 Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. FACTORY : Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta

Shredded Coconut and Desiccated Coconut in The Differences

Coconut products are one of the main ingredients in making a food product, such as coconut meat. Products from coconut meat such as Desiccated Coconut and Shredded Coconut are two of the most popular products, especially for food factories such as biscuits and bakeries. Although at first glance they are the same, these two coconut products have differences that not many people know. Through this article, you can find out the difference between shredded coconut and desiccated coconut. You will […]

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Stem Ginger: Unique Ginger Candies

Stem Ginger or crystal ginger is candied ginger that has been preserved in sugar syrup. Young, soft ginger is selected for the manufacturing process. This ginger is then boiled with sugar to produce chewy, sweet, and slightly spicy candies. The use of white sugar can be replaced with coconut sugar in the form of coconut treacle or coconut sugar granules. This will make the taste and aroma of the candied ginger more delicious and caramelized.   Manufacturing Process Ginger Selection: […]

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Coconut Treacle and Honey in the differences

coconut treacle and honey

Coconut Treacle or coconut sugar syrup is a natural liquid sugar made from coconut sap. This liquid sugar has a color and texture similar to honey, so some people call it coconut nectar sugar or vegetable nectar. Some people even think coconut treacle is the same as honey because the color and texture are identical. However, vegetable nectar has differences that not many people know. Here we provide information on the differences between coconut treacle and honey. The Differences of […]

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Coconut Treacle : Low Glycemic Index Sugar

Coconut treacle, commonly known as liquid coconut sugar, is a processed product made from coconut sap that has been cooked until it thickens and turns dark brown. It tastes sweet, and rich, and has a distinctive coconut caramel aroma. The texture is thick and sticky, similar to molasses or honey, so sometimes people call it coconut sugar nectar. This coconut sugar nectar is one of Indonesia’s leading export products besides granulated coconut sugar. Benefits of Coconut Treacle Energy Source: Liquid […]

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