achet sugar is sugar that is packaged in small packages to make it more practical to use. Sweeteners are packaged in a net weight of 5g – 8g as a serving size per package. One packet of sachet sugar can make a 120ml cup of tea and coffee sweet. With its small shape, this sugar packaging is very easy to store and carry anywhere, it can even fit into a shirt pocket or trouser pocket. So users of this packaged sugar can use it anywhere and anytime. This instant sweetener is usually found in hotels, restaurants, and cafes as a flavor enhancer when serving drinks. However, currently, many sachets of sugar are sold at retail for everyone to use in their homes. This packaged sugar has various variants ranging from high-calorie sweeteners to sweeteners with low sugar content. The following types of sugar are packaged in sachet packaging.
Types of sugar in sachet packaging:
White sugar
White sugar is a sweetener made from heated sugar cane juice until it forms crystals. This sweetener has a very sweet taste, with a crystal clear white sugar color. White sugar does not have a distinctive aroma, only a slight caramel aroma when mixed with hot tea or coffee. Using white sugar is very suitable as a sweetener for jasmine tea and black tea because white sugar does not make the color of the drink solution more cloudy.
Coconut Sugar
This natural sweetener made from coconut sap or coconut flower essence is currently on the rise. Coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index than other types of sugar even without processing. Coconut sugar has a unique taste, sweet and slightly savory with a distinctive coconut aroma. If used in coffee and tea, coconut sugar will make the color of the coffee and tea more intense. Apart from that, the aroma of coconut will improve the taste and aroma of food and drinks. Black tea and robusta coffee are the right drinks if you want to use coconut sugar as a sweetener.
Palm Sugar
This sugar, which is still identical to coconut sugar, has a darker and slightly reddish color. Palm sugar has a very sweet taste like caramel, but smells burnt. This is because palm sap as the raw material for palm sugar is traditionally cooked using firewood. The smoky aroma in palm sugar can improve the aroma quality of roasted coffee. Apart from that, using palm sugar can also make the coffee texture thicker and softer, so the coffee can be more delicious.
Refined Sugar
Brown Sugar
Brown sugar is a brown sweetener made from cane sugar which gets additional color from cane molasses. This type of sugar includes high-calorie sugars such as white sugar which is made from sugar cane. Brown sugar has a very strong caramel aroma so it can make drinks like Arabica coffee even more delicious. Even though it is brown, this sweetener does not make the color of the drink cloudier.
Artificial Sweeteners
Corn Sugar
This sweetener from the extraction of corn kernels or corn flour has lower calories through processing and refining the sugar. This low-calorie sugar is believed to be a “healthier” alternative to using white sugar even though it has undergone processing. The shape of corn sugar is almost similar to flour because it is white and has a fine texture like powdered sugar. Corn sugar has a taste that is not too sweet, so it is suitable as a sweetener for black tea or jasmine tea.
Stevia sugar
Stevia sugar is included in the synthetic sugar category or artificial sweeteners such as corn sugar. This sugar is a low-calorie sugar so it does not increase the blood sugar levels of consumers. The taste of stevia sugar is very sweet, almost like cane sugar, but the difference is that the form of stevia sugar is finer. Because it has a white color and dissolves easily, stevia sugar can be applied to all drinks without changing the color.
These are the types of sugar in sachet packaging that you can choose according to your needs.