Every household and food industry will certainly produce waste which can become an obstacle in its management. Managing household and food industry waste is certainly not easy, and it is necessary to have a good management system. One of the household and food industry wastes that need attention to management is waste from cooking oil. Its has changed color to become darker and has also been used repeatedly for frying food will become waste. Cooking oil waste can become a threat to environmental pollution if not managed properly. In certain countries such as Japan, the local government prohibits the disposal of used oil in waterways or on the ground. Apart from polluting waterways, it can also disrupt soil fertility.
Used Oil Management
However, currently, several developing countries such as Indonesia can manage it well. Even used oil can be a source of income for some people. In Indonesia, cooking oil is used by households and the food industry is still resold to used oil collectors. Collectors will sell the waste oil to used cooking oil suppliers for resale and export. Suppliers of used cooking oil (UCO) sell it to household and industrial chemical manufacturers. They use UCO as a raw material for making soap, candles, and lubricants.
Used cooking oil supplier
Currently, demand for UCO is very high, especially UCO from Indonesia which is exported by coconut and palm oil suppliers. CV Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa (BASFOOD) is one of used cooking supplier which has experienced an increase in offers from various industries. BASFOOD exports used oil to soap and lubricant manufacturing factories in Asia. Currently, CV Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa has developed its marketing methods through the Alibaba and Amazon websites to expand the marketing area. Exporting used oil will certainly have high economic benefits, as well as preserving the environment. This is in line with the vision and mission of CV Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa which remains sustainable without damaging the environment.