+62 8213 4505 737​ OFFICE: Jl. Sisingamangaraja VII/15 Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. FACTORY : Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta

Is there a true sugar diabetes – really safe?

Sugar for diabetics is a type of sugar that if consumed by diabetics will not cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Sugar for diabetes actually is all around you. Maybe you used to know the sugar with other terms such as palm sugar palm sugar for diabetes or diabetes. What exactly makes the palm sugar to be special for diabetic blood sugar than the other? The first reason why it then becomes very special palm sugar for people with diabetes […]

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VCO Can Heal Wounds Diabetes, also for Beauty

Coconut plant turned out to save a lot of benefits. One of them VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) produced from coconut. In addition can be used for food, VCO can also help cure some diseases, one of which diabetes. “I’ve never tried out for my customers who have diabetes. After the VCO was applied to the wound, the wound dry instantly,” said Suryani, MSI, in his doctoral exam graduate program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Mathematics) University of […]

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Virgin Coconut Oil For Diabetes Drug

Diabetes is glycosuria (glucose in urine) caused Because buildup of glucose in the blood that was issued with urine. In these conditions, the production of insulin or decreased enzyme so disturbed metabolism. This causes the glucose can not get into the cells so that the blood glucose concentration increases. Heaps of glucose can not be used to produce energy and ultimately disposed of with urine. Insulin functions convert glucose into energy for cells denagn how to transfer blood glucose in […]

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Coconut Oil Effective Slimming Body

Coconut is known to have many benefits, not only in the flesh and water are delicious to eat. The content of the oil palm fruit is believed to prevent various health problems, one of which is obesity (weight). Fat found in coconut fruit is not the same with the other fat, where fat is owned coconuts can protect a person from a variety of disease and health problems such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other degenerative diseases. Coconut oil […]

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