+62 8213 4505 737​ OFFICE: Jl. Sisingamangaraja VII/15 Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. FACTORY : Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta

Crude Palm Oil Export Quota Restrictions

At the end of this month, palm oil companies must accept a new policy which is quite shocking for the Indonesian trade world. Because on May 1, 2023, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade issued a regulation limiting Crude Palm Oil export quotas. This rule regulates the Domestic Price Obligation (DMO) policy for CPO palm oil to be 1:4, smaller than the previous 1:6. With this regulation, the export volume of Crude Palm Oil is only four times the supply to […]

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What is Crude Palm Oil?

Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is a vegetable oil produced from the mesocarp of the fruit of the oil palm tree. In addition to producing CPO, palm kernel oil also produces coconut kernel oil or commonly known as Palm Kernel Oil (PKO). Palm Kernel Oil and Crude Palm Oil have very significant differences. So these two types of palm oil products have different uses. In terms of appearance, CPO has a red color because it contains alpha and beta-carotene, while PKO […]

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What is Crude Coconut Oil (CNO)?

Crude Coconut Oil (CNO) is a product of CV. Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa ( Crude Coconut Oil Supplier ) which comes from processed coconut. This coconut oil product is coconut oil that has not undergone processing or can be referred to as copra oil. we produce CNO by using high standardization stages, starting from copra crushing, and heating, to extortion. Coconut oil that has gone through the production stage then passes through the filtering stage to remove impurities in the oil. […]

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Is Coconut Oil Good for Frying on High Temperature Cooking?

Coconut oil is made from extracting the natural oils present in mature coconut meat. Commonly used in Latin America and Southeast Asia, coconut oil can be either refined or unrefined, and it can be used for everyday cooking, including frying. Different coconut oils tolerate high temperatures better, so if you are frying with coconut oil, choose refined coconut oil. Smoking Point The smoking point of an oil is how high a temperature it can reach before the natural impurities in […]

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