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Desiccated Coconut Supplier

High Fat Desiccated Coconut Supplier

Coconut fruit is one part of the coconut tree that has many benefits. CV. Bonafide Anugerah Sentosa sells Bulk Desiccated Coconut. What is desiccated coconut?

Coconut meat is the main raw material in the manufacture of coconut-derived products. Coconut fruit can produce coconut milk, coconut oil, coconut chips, or dry grated coconut. This dried grated coconut has another name: Desiccated Coconut.

Desiccated Coconut has various sizes of pieces or flakes: fine and medium. This coconut meat product has a smaller size of coconut pieces than Coconut Flakes. For fine pieces called “Desiccated Coconut Fine Grade,” use Medium Grade for medium cuts. There are 2 levels of fat in Dried Coconut. Low Fat has a little fat content compared to High Fat. The dryness level of low fat is higher than high fat, which tends to have a higher oil content.

Even though they have different levels of fat, both desiccated coconut textures are still dry and crunchy. In the production process, we still prioritize the quality and hygiene of desiccated coconut. Of course, we still carry out the management of the food safety system.

Product Specification Desiccated Coconut Medium Grade Low Fat
Product Specification Desiccated Coconut Medium Grade High Fat

More information about our bulk Desiccated Coconut and to get the best deals for our Desiccated Coconut bulk, please click Here  or WhatsApp to +6282134505737